Termination of lease (if you have moved in before June 1, 2019)

Termination of lease at all students residences (if you have moved in before June 1, 2019)

Here you can find the termination form that you need to fill out and send to info@kollegiekontoret.dk


Rules for termination: 
In accordance with the lease, notice of termination should be given 6 weeks before the 1st or the 15th in a month. The notice must be in writing and Kollegiekontoret must receive the notice no later than the dates mentioned in the schedule to the right. 

Your deposit will be settled to your bank account approx. 2 weeks after the termination of the lease.

Special rules for Chr. X's Kollegium and Åbykollegiet:
In accordance with your lease, notice of termination should be given 3 months before the 1st in a month. You can try to state an earlier re-letting day with at least 4 weeks' notice to the 1st o rthe 15th in a month (except Chr. X's Kollegium - here you can only terminate to the first in a month).

Rules for moving out:
The actual moving out has to be no later than 7 working days before the stated date for termination of the lease. For residents at Skjoldhøj Kollegiet and Vilh. Kiers Kollegium the actual moving out must be 14 days before the stated date (see the schedule for dates).


Important termination dates 


Vilh. Kiers Kollegium
For termination to: Deadline: Move out no later than 9 am (Ravnsbjerg Kollegiet and Tandlæge Kollegiet no later than 8 am) on: Move out no later than 8 am on: 
01.01.2025 21.11.2024 17.12.2024 18.12.2024
15.01.2025 04.12.2024 06.01.2025 02.01.2025
01.02.2025 23.12.2024 23.01.2025 20.01.2025
15.02.2025 06.01.2025 06.02.2025 03.02.2025
01.03.2025 20.01.2025 20.02.2025 17.02.2025
15.03.2025 03.02.2025 06.03.2025 03.03.2025
01.04.2025 18.02.2025 21.03.2025 18.03.2025
15.04.2025 04.03.2025 04.04.2025 01.04.2025
01.06.2025 21.03.2025 22.04.2025 22.04.2025
15.06.2025 03.04.2025 06.05.2025 02.05.2025
01.07.2025 22.04.2025 21.05.2025 19.05.2025
15.07.2025 05.05.2025 03.06.2025 02.06.2025
01.08.2025 20.05.2025 20.06.2025 17.06.2025
15.08.2025 03.06.2025 04.07.2025 01.07.2025
01.09.2025 20.06.2025 23.07.2025 18.07.2025
15.09.2025 04.07.2025 06.08.2025 01.08.2025
01.10.2025 21.07.2025 21.08.2025 18.08.2025
15.10.2025 04.08.2025 04.09.2025 01.09.2025
01.11.2024 22.09.2025 23.10.2025 20.10.2025
15.11.2025 06.10.2025 06.11.2025 03.11.2025
01.12.2025 20.10.2025 20.11.2025 17.11.2025
15.12.2025 03.11.2025 04.12.2025 01.12.2025