A membership period runs from:
- September 1 - February 28
- March 1 - August 31
The price for a membership period (6 months) is 200 DKK.
When you want to sign up or renew your membership, you have to:
1. Transfer 200 DKK to
a. Account No. 4645 12548273 (no cash) or via
b. IBAN: DK39 3000 0012 5482 73
BIC/SWIFT: DABADKKK (sender covers any fees)
c. Include your name, block number (B) and room number (V) in the message field (for example Jonas B35V23)
2. Fill out the form at this link:
Information about membership is provided to the building supervisors every Sunday/Monday. It usually takes a couple of days to gain access. To ensure the quickest possible access, please transfer the money at least 2 days before the above dates.
The fitness room is located in building 47.
Access the fitness room with your black chip. The building supervisors control room access. The fitness room's board will contact the supervisors regarding access. For information and updates, members can join our Facebook group (Vilh. Kiers Fitness Room)
Cancellation of membership
Memberships are automatically canceled for unpaid periods. There's no need to notify us about membership cancellation, for example, when moving out.
- A discount is not possible
- All unpayed memberships are automatically cancelled on the 1st of March and 1st of September
Fitness - rules
1. A membership is personal and may not be used by others. You cannot lend out your key tag to anyone else. Bring your key tag whenever you use the fitnes facilities.
2. Smoking and drinking alcohol are not permitted.
3. Use the equipment respectfully. Among other things, do not put too much weight on the maschines.
4. Every member has to clean up after him/herself. Do not move the maschines and put dumbbells and similar items back in place after use.
5. The Fitness Commitee can close the fitness facilities at any time, if needed, without any warning. For example in connection with vacation, national holidays and cleaning.
6. The use of the fitness facilities is at your own risk and you have the personal responsibility for any damage to the equipment.
7. A membership will be cancelled automatically in the case of a lacking payment.
A violation of these rules can lead to an immediate cancellation of your membership. In special cases the Resident's Council can decide if any other exclusions are necessary.
Contact info
Contact the Fitness Commitee by e-mail: