Electronic devices often contain lithium-ion batteries, which can pose a risk of explosion and fire, especially if they have been subjected to impacts, shocks, or overcharging.

Read about the correct way to charge electronic devices.

Below is a picture of an apartment in a dormitory where a bicycle battery overheated during charging.



You are obliged to help cleaning the common areas.

Approximately 4 times a year each apartment must clean the shared area. 

If the cleaning is not done, a cleaning company will be ordered to do the cleaning at the expense of the responsible resident. (at the moment DKK 125,- which will be added to the following month's rent.)

Dialogue is always better than conflict, but if a conflict is impossible to solve, you have the opportunity to complain. Your complaint must be in writing and only exceptionally concern incidences more than two weeks old.

If you want to file a complaint aganist a fellow resident, you must make a written complaint outlining whom the complaint is made against, what the complaint is about and when the reason for the complaint took place.

You can use Kollegiekontoret's complaint form.

The complaint must be sent to klage@kollegiekontoret.dk

Kollegiekontoret treats the complaint and assesses if the tenant the claim is against is to have a written warning.

In case of repeated written warnings regarding the same violation of the house rules, the violating tenant's lease may be cancelled (with 3 months notice) or terminated (with short notice). 

In very serious cases Kollegiekontoret can terminate the lease without further notice. 

If your complaint has been treated and you are not satisfied with the outcome, you can address the tenants’ complaint board (Beboerklagenævn) of the municipality. 

The tenants’ complaint board e.g. deals with issues regarding:

- the condition of the residence when moving in and out
- house regulations, harassment etc. 
- right of disposal
- water and heating accounts

The tenants’ complaint board can e.g. make decisions regarding whether:

- a decision in the resident democracy is valid
- a resident must have a warning
- the resident must be given a conditional notice (the lease will be cancelled or terminated if the resident violates the same house rule again) 

Both residents and hall of residence can move on to the rent tribunal if they are dissatisfied with a decision made in the tenants’ complaint board. However, possible warnings are final.

Find further information regarding the tenants’ complaint board on: www.aarhus.dk/beboerklage (only available in Danish). 

According to the fire preventive regulations, entrances, corridors, balconies, stairs and emergency exits must be cleared of all objects (bookcases, mattresses, clothes horses etc.).

Once a year, the fire authorities conduct an inspection of the fire prevention without notice to check that the fire regulations are observed. They make protests and sometimes impose fines if the corridor areas etc. are not cleared. The caretaker may also remove objects in the corridors etc. without notice.

Please also make sure that escape routes on e.g. parking lots are kept free of cars, bicycles, prams etc.

If you live in an apartment it is allowed to install a dishwasher, if the electricity, water and sewer system has enough capacity for it. 

Kollegiekontoret must authorise the the application before you install a dishwasher. 

Application for installation of a dishwasher

Send the application to the project- and facility manager (find contact information under the caretaker tab).

I 12 A-B the meter is located in building A in the same floor you are living at. 

I 12 C-D the meter is located in building D to the right and the same floor you are living at.

I 12 E-F the meter is located in building E to the right and the same floor you are living at.

I 12 H-G the meter is located in building H, either at the first floor or the ground floor; not necessarily the same floor you are living at. 

I 12 L-K the meter is located in building L, the same floor you are living at.

I 12 M-N the meter is located in building N, the same floor you are living at.

You have moved into a hall of residence, which is a part of the organisation Kollegiekontoret. This means that you become a part of a resident democracy and has the opportunity to make your influence count, while ensuring that the hall of residence is a nice and interesting place to live.

At least once every year an estate meeting is held for all the residents at the hall of residence. At the meeting the residents vote for the representatives, they want to see as members of the estate committee.

The estate committee have an influence on the budget of the hall of residence and can come up with suggestions for improvements or events to be held. 

We encourage you to join the estate committee and make your opininon count!

More information about the resident democracy

It is unfortunately not possible to borrow furniture at the hall of residence.

Kollegiekontoret has effected an insurance of buildings for the hall of residence. It covers buildings and the fixed installations in case of fire, storm, cloudburst, pipe burst etc. 

The insurance of buildings does not cover your personal belongings (tablet, PC, mobilephone etc.), so you must take out your own house contents insurance. 

Please make sure it covers rehousing in case you have to vacate your residence for a period due to e.g. water damage. 

We will also encourage you to take out an accident insurance. 

Please note that no insurance covers burglary in case of unlockeed doors. Therefore always remember to lock the doors of e.g. lumber rooms, laundry and bike room. 

Applicants for an internal move have first claim to an available room/flat in the hall of residence they are living in. Internal moving can only take place in the hall of residence you are living in. Two person applicants have first claim (before internal one person applicants) to  two room apartment to two  room apartments.

If you wish to move to another hall of residence, you have to apply on StudenthousingAarhus.com Subtenants cannot apply for an internal moving, you can neither apply for internal moving if you have given notice of termination. 

If you want to apply for internal moving, go the menu option forms ("other forms") and fill in the application for internal moving. 

If you decline an offer, your application for an internal move will be deleted. 

NB You may be offered an internal move before the expiry of the term of notice on you present accommodation. Therefore, you may have to pay rent for two accommodations in a period of time. The deposit/advance payment for your present accommodation will not be returned until 2 weeks after the expiry of the tenancy. So if you apply for an internal move, you must make sure to have money ready for the first month’s rent as well as deposit/advanced payment for your new accommodation.

You already have internet access from Bolignet-Aarhus in your wall socket. You just need to connect your computer to the socket in the wall using a network cable (LAN) and type mit.bnaa.dk in your browser. An order page will appear, where you can register as a customer. Shortly after you have registered, you will be online. 

Please notice that you will have to buy a router if you want to access the internet wirelessly (WiFi). That way you are sure to get a router that fits your exact requirements.

If you have questions or need help, please contact Bolignet-Aarhus customer service at 82 50 50 50. The phone lines are open Monday to Friday from 10 to 19 and Saturday from 12-15. 

You are also welcome to contact us at support@bnaa.dk 


In case you lose the key to your room or flat, please contact your caretaker during normal working hours, so that he can lock you in.

Outside normal working hours you can contact a locksmith. You must pay the expenses yourself.

If you lose your keys, you must furthermore pay for the expenses of converting the lock. So take care of your keys and keep an extra key at your neighbour’s.

When moving in, you received a fob, which also can be used for the laundry.

The chip in the fob registers every time you wash or tumble dry, and the expenses are added to your rent.

At the moment DKK 10 for a wash incl. tumbledrying. 

Laundry detergent and softener is dispensed automatically and must not be used. 

Every tenancy has its own lumber room, so please remember to use it – and not the escape routes – to store the things which you have no room for in your room or flat.

The lumber room has a padlock.

As a resident in one of Kollegiekontorets residences, you have access to Min Side (My Page) from the day you move in (cf. the lease). Here you can among other things see your rent, documents from Kollegiekontoret, report defects and allow the caretaker to access your residence to do repair work.

You can access Min Side at the menu option at kollegiekontoret.dk (in the top right corner) or via the link:


You log in with your email address, and then you receive a one-time password per email.

You must use our termination form, if you want to terminate your lease. 

You can find the termination form in the menu option forms

NB You must move out no later than 7 working days before the wanted re-let date also even though your residence has not been re-let.

The residence must be cleaned and cleared and your keys must be dropped off at the caretaker’s no later than 9 a.m on the moving out day. From when you have terminated your lease and until you are moving out, you are still obliged to clean the common areas.The caretaker will carry out a room inspection. If you want to be present, you must arrange a date with him no later than 3 days before moving out.

Pets are not allowed at Damager Kollegiet.

Feeding of birds and cats is not allowed, as it may attract pest. 

The rent must be paid on the 1st working day of each month at the latest. If you pay later than that, a fee of DKK 326 (2024 standard) will be included in next month’s rent. You may choose between the following three methods of payment:

1. Nets (payment service). We recommend that you use this method of payment, as it is the cheapest and easiest for all parties. Nets is free and can be discontinued at any time. You can join the service on the paying-in slip you receive after moving in. If you still receive paying-in slips after having joined PBS, the reason is either that the arrangement has not been effectuated or that a mistake has occurred. Please contact your bank to have this corrected.


2. Payment via paying-in slip by home-banking or in the bank. This method of payment costs you a fee every month. If you do not receive a monthly paying-in slip or if the slip is lost, it is your responsibility to make sure that the rent is paid on time. You can pay to Kollegiekontoret’s giro account no. 913 0187. Please remember to state your name and your hall of residence address or your “lejemålsnr.” This method of payment also costs you a fee every month. 


3. By home banking to reg.no. 3627 and account no. 0009130187. Please remember to state your  name and your hall of residence address or your “lejemålsnr.” 


If you pay from abroad please use IBAN: DK39 3000 0009 130187 and Swift/bic code: DABADKKK. (Danske Bank, Holmens Kanal 2-12, 1092 Copenhagen) Please note that all costs concerning payment from abroad are to be paid by you.


No respite of payment
It is not possible to apply for respite of payment. The rent has to be paid on time.

If rent is not paid If you do not pay rent, we will first send a reminder with fee. Then the case is handed over for collection and your lease will be terminated. 

Rent increase
If rent is increased, it usually happens August 1 and it will be notified 3 months ahead, i.e. usually before May 1. Kollegiekontoret informs Nets and the housing subsidy office about the increase.

Please write to husleje@kollegiekontoret.dk if you have any questions regarding your rent. 

At least once a year, Kollegiekontoret sends out a study check to ensure that the conditions regarding living in the hall of residence are met. If you do not return the study check in time or if you are no longer a student or trainee, we will terminate you lease with a three months’ notice.

NB You are allowed to stay in your residence three months after finishing your education.

If you are going on exchange, in traineeship or other which means that you have to move away temporarily, you can sublease your room up to two years. You are responsible for finding a person (subtenant) to sublease your room to. The subtenant must be under education. Kollegiekontoret must approve the sublease contract before the subtenant is allowed to move in. 

You can find the sublase document in the menuoption forms.

You are allowed to carry on a trade from your residence, but it must not cause any inconvenience whatsoever to any of your fellow residents.

The trade must not be connected with displaying of signs, stock-in-trade or personal application at your address.

Your waste much be sorted SEE HOW

Damager Kollegiet has its own buried waste containment system.


Damager Kollegiet has its own own bulky waste station. Please place the bulky waste nicely at the station. 

Place electronic waste in the cage and folded up cardboard waste in one of the two cardboard containers. 

There is parking control by OPARKO in the parking lot. Along with the contract, you will receive a guide to create a parking permit. If you have any questions about this, contact the caretaker.