Booking of the Common House - SCROLL down for the calendar of the common house
Only residents of Svane Kollegiet can book the rom.
To book the room, please send an email to the Common House Committee at svanekollegietsfaelleshus@gmail.com with the following information:
In the subject line of the email, write the date you wish to book the room.
In the email: Your full name, address, and phone number.
If your request to book the common house is approved, your name and address will appear on the calendar.
Note that if the above is not explicitly mentioned in the email, the common house will not be booked.
3. The booking of the common house costs DKK 100. Furthermore you must pay a deposit of DKK 500. When you book the common house, you are booking both the large and small room. The total amount of 600 DKK must be paid in cash when you receive the key card and you sign the contract. This happens at the beginning of the booking period, where the residents who is booking the common house and a member of the Common House Committee meet in the common house. The deposit will be returned upon returning the key card (see point 12). If an event is held where all residents of the dormitory are invited, it is free to rent the common house, but the deposit is still required.
4. When using the sound system, keep windows and doors closed.
5. Sunday to Thursday, the sound system must be kept at an acceptable level and turned off by 11 PM.
6. On Friday and Saturday, the sound system should be turned down (to an acceptable level) by 2:00 AM.
7. An acceptable level is defined as "when the music cannot be heard from the surrounding apartments."
8. In the event of complaints from neighbors, a committee member can shut down a party after the third complaint. If you wish to complain about noise from the common house, you can contact one of the members of the Common House Committee. Contact information can be found in the Facebook group.
9. The common house is booked for a period of 23 hours, starting at 1:00 PM and ending at 12:00 noon.
10. Requests for booking the common house can be made 3 months before the desired rental date, but due to the committee's availability, confirmation can only be given no earlier than 2 months before the date. The Common House Committee reserves the right to reject bookings made with less than three weeks' notice and booking on dates when none of the committee members are present at the dormitory. Especially during the periods of July 1st to August 15th, Easter, and between Christmas and New Year, it cannot be guaranteed that committee members will be present at the dormitory. If you wish to hold an event where the entire dormitory is invited, this request should be made at least 2 weeks before the desired rental date. Likewise, all residents should be invited at least 2 weeks before the desired booking date.
The Party Committee/estate committee can book the common house as far in advance as they wish.
11. The common house must be returned in a cleaned and organized state Please note that you are responsible for providing dishcloths, towels, trash bags, and cleaning supplies.
12. The Common House Committee will inspect the common house after the booking to ensure that cleaning is satisfactory and that all furnniture is intact. Any deductions from the deposit will be made based on a specific assessment of the damage. If cleaning requests are not followed, the resident who have booked the common room will be responsible for hiring a cleaning company at their expense.
13. By signing a rental contract, the resident who have booked the common room agrees to cover any damages and cleaning costs that exceed the deposit amount.
14. Violation of this regulation will result in a warning and a six-month ban on renting the common house. Two warnings will lead to a permanent ban from booking the common house.
15. The common house may not be used for overnight stays for fire safety reasons. In addition, according to fire authorities, a maximum of 50 people are allowed in the room.
16. Amplifiers and speakers may be used when renting the common house. It is only possible to use the amplifier via Bluetooth connection. If you cannot connect via Bluetooth or cannot get it to work, the amplifier cannot be used. When booking the common house, you are also responsible for any damage to the amplifier and speakers.
Cleaning guidelines for rentals - Read more here.