svane kollegiet

In case of an emergency

In case of an emergency at Svane Kollegiet, please contact: 

The caretaker: Uffe Rask, tlf.: 30 53 90 95

Outside the caretaker's working hours, please use the telephone numbers below:

    • Locksmith (Byens Låse): 86 10 65 00
    • Electrician (Frederiksbjerg El): 86 14 34 55
    • Plumbing (Tec-co VVS): 86 75 58 12
    • Glazier (S. L. Aarslevs Enke & Søn): 86 16 55 35
    • Sewer Service (Norva24): 86 17 40 30


If none of the above numbers answer, please use the number below:
- Polygon (Water damage): 72 28 28 19

Øvrige telefonnumre 

  • Emergency (Accident): 112
  • Police (Burglary): 114
  • Water supply (Aarhus Vand): 89 47 10 00
  • District heating supply (Aarhus varme):77 88 10 10
  • Internet and TV (Bolignet-Aarhus): 82 50 50 50

When do you call?

You call a locksmith, if you need to open the lock to your room. Please note that if you have locked yourself out of your room/apartment, you must pay for the locksmith yourself. 

You call a plumber, if you do not have heat, water or in case of bursted water pipes. 

You call a glazier, if a window breaks in your room e.g. in case of a burglary.

You call the sewer service in case of sudden problems with the drains.