
In case of an emergency

In case of an emergency at Skejbygård Kollegiet, please contact: 

The caretaker: Tom L. Jensen, tlf.: 21 24 75 50

Outside the caretaker's working hours, please use the telephone numbers below:

    • Locksmith (Byens Låseservice): 86 10 65 00
    • Plumbing (Tec-co VVS): 86 75 58 12
    • Carpenter (Bytømreren): 71 74 73 75
    • Glazier (Bytømreren): 71 74 73 75
    • Sewer Service (Tec-co): 86 75 58 12


If none of the above numbers answer, please use the number below:
- Polygon (Water damage): 72 28 28 19

Øvrige telefonnumre 

  • Emergency (Accident): 112
  • Police (Burglary): 114
  • Water supply (Aarhus Vand): 89 47 10 00
  • District heating supply (Aarhus varme): 89 40 15 00
  • Internet and TV (Bolignet-Aarhus): 82 50 50 50

When do you call?

You call a locksmith, if you need to open the lock to your room. Please note that if you have locked yourself out of your room/apartment, you must pay for the locksmith yourself. 

You call a plumber, if you do not have heat, water or in case of bursted water pipes. 

You call a glazier, if a window breaks in your room e.g. in case of a burglary.

You call the sewer service in case of a sudden problems with the drains. 

In case of a power cut, when you switch on an apparatus or turn on the light, then switch it off the power outlet. After that you can turn on the relay, maybe change the fuse and contact the caretaker at mail. (Please avoid turning on the same apparatus again). The caretaker will repair the defect during his working hours. 

Unnecessary calls to the electrician outside normal working hours, will be charged the caller (The amount is usually from DKK 4000 and up.

Electrician: Kemp & Lauritzen: 87 46 70 00