Ravnsbjerg Kollegiet

In case of an emergency

In case of an emergency at Ravnsbjerg Kollegiet, please contact: 

The caretaker: Mads G. Svendsen, +45 21 24 75 52

Outside the caretaker's working hours, please use the telephone numbers below:

    • Locksmith (Byens Låseservice): 86 10 65 00
    • Access control/Tag system (Acia): 44 40 15 20
    • Electrician (Frederiksbjerg El): 86 14 34 55
    • Plumbing (Bytømreren): 71 74 73 75
    • Glazier (Bytømreren): 71 74 73 75
    • Sewer Service (Norva24 Kloak Service): 70 12 20 22


If none of the above numbers answer, please use the number below:
- Polygon (Water damage): 72 28 28 19

Øvrige telefonnumre 

  • Emergency (Accident): 112
  • Police (Burglary): 114
  • Water supply (Aarhus Vand): 89 47 10 00
  • District heating supply (Aarhus varme):77 88 10 10
  • Internet and TV (Bolignet-Aarhus): 82 50 50 50

When to call:

You call a locksmith, if you need to open the lock to your room. Please note that if you have locked yourself out of your room/apartment, you must pay for the locksmith yourself. 

Power cut - if you experience a power cut when you plug in appliances or turn the ceiling light on, then unplug it again or turn the power point off. The power cut could happen due to a blown fuse. Look after the relay and turn the fuse on, or maybe the the fuse needs to be replaced. Afterwards, please contact the caretaker by e-mail. Do not turn the same appliance on again. The caretaker will then repair the error within the normal working hours.
Unecessary calls to the electrian outside of the normal working hours will be imposed on the person who made the call (the costs would normally be from 4000 DKK or more).

You call a glazier, if a window breaks in your room e.g. in case of a burglary.

You call a plumber, if you do not have heat, water or in case of bursted water pipes. 

You call the sewer service in case of sudden problems with the drains. 

Sewer issues - If the drains are clogged and the sink, shower or toilet is flooded, please try to cleanse the drain or the toilet (you are obliged to maintain the drains, when you live in the rental). A plunger can be very helpful to use. It is recommended that you stop using the toilet or the shower until the problem is solved. If you cannot solve the issue yourself, please contact the caretaker by e-mail. The problem will then be solved the following workday. You can always use the toilets in the shared house.

Unecessary calls to the plumber outside of the normal working hours will be imposed on the person who made the call (the costs would normally be from 4000 DKK or more).